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The Curious Guitarist - PDF

The Curious Guitarist - PDF


The Curious Guitarist is a book containing five Etudes, one Counterpoint and two Composition ideas written by Yoav Eshed after ten years of research, designated to elevate the level of musicians through playing musical pieces. An exceptional workbook meticulously crafted to enhance technical proficiency and musicality, designed for skillful guitarists, as well as composers and all instrumentalists, this comprehensive collection is an invaluable resource for improvising musicians.




1. Five Diverse and Challenging Etudes:

Immerse into the world of captivating musical pieces, carefully curated and thoughtfully composed to not only develop technical skills but also encourage artistic interpretation, phrasing, dynamics, and overall musicianship.


2. Focused Techniques:

Each etude hones a particular topic such as alternate picking, hybrid picking, string skipping, harmony and more. Brief explanations and practice tips accompany each piece to build a deep understanding of each technique and its effectiveness.


3. One Counterpoint Piece: 

Serves as an example for a composition technique and as an inspiration for improvising two voices simultaneously. Creating independent movement for each line and strengthening the ability to create intricate and more sophisticated musical structures.


4. Two Conceptual Compositions: 

Focuses on exploring different composition techniques and their application in improvisation and writing.


5. Audio & Video Companion and Online Resources: 

Each etude in the book is accompanied by a YouTube performance so one can gain a clear understanding of how each piece should sound and how it looks on the guitar, to further enrich the journey.


For advanced guitarists, composers and any instrumentalists who want to become a more well-rounded musicians, this book will push the boundaries and flourish the skills of its readers.

5 Guitar Etudes & Composition ideas

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